Investment Concept

edira combines ideas and investments. Our strength is the development of flexible and individual investment solutions. Thus, it is possible to react quickly and specifically at any time, even within ongoing shareholdings.
  • analysis of target markets and identification of projects
  • due diligence
  • economic, legal and tax conception
  • securing of debt financing
  • prospectus drawing up
  • sales strategies / sales partner management
  • management of fund and property companies
  • exit strategies


With our trust companies, we benefit from many years of experience and expertise.

  • sales partner management
  • management of escrow accounts
  • organization and implementation of shareholders’ meetings
  • preparation of necessary resolutions
  • fund controlling
  • investor portal


To protect investors and investments, edira Holding GmbH is always directly involved in the projects and shares with its own controlling and management. Due to constant monitoring, safeguarding, protection and revitalisation of assets, the foundation for the success of the investments is laid.

  • economic, legal and tax analysis and potential reorganisation
  • reorganization and restructuring
  • exit strategies and exploitation options
  • accounting, controlling, liquidity management services
  • investor management services
  • liquidations

Property management

  • definition and implementation of a property or portfolio strategy
  • representation of owner interests
  • optimisation of running costs
  • creation of economic and business plans
  • management and control of facility management
  • quality management
  • property and portfolio reporting

Project development

  • analysis, evaluation, and conception
  • feasibility calculation, project calculation
  • construction law, due diligence, planning coordination
  • selection of project partners
  • construction preparation and supervision
  • budget and deadline monitoring
  • contract management
  • operation, marketing, rental and sales

Contact person property management

Bert Pell · real estate agent

manager of fund properties for a large German investment company | project management and controlling for fund projects abroad | founding and management of a company for administration, controlling and consulting of real estate projects